Meat Patty Gripper



Frozen "Meat Patties" with a pastry crust

The Challenge

The customer had already selected a suction up and mount, but needed a vacuum source to complete their gripper. The gripper must securely handle the frozen, unpackaged, irregularly shaped product without causing any marks or damage to the crust.Image


Meat Patty Vacuum Gripper

Choosing the right vacuum source


Frozen Meat Patties


After purchasing the product at the local grocery store, Millibar quickly determined that the flaky surface would be damaged by applying high vacuum and that we were not always able to create a secure grip, due to the uneven surface.  

When we handle frozen foods, we often choose a model from our Flow Amplifier product line which generates high vacuum flow at low vacuum levels.  This product is ideal for these applications because of the following factors:

  • Very low air consumption
  • Overcome surface irregularities 
  • Compact 
  • Can be placed at the point of use
  • Instant vacuum… and release 
  • Large flow path for ingested debris to pass
  • Maintenance Free – no filters or moving parts to be replaced
  • Low cost

Millibar Robotics tests with the actual product to mitigate risk for our customers.


Millibar Flow Amplifier


Video courtesy of Altimate Controls